

 I think we are all aware of the significant role played by literature in human history. Monumental works form the basis of whole cultures, on their basis whole philosophical currents were formed, and iconic authors and their texts created the identity of nations around the world.

 However, literature has many facets, it does not always come into being for lofty purposes, sometimes it is caused by the release of emotions, or just a whim. According to aesthets, art should be created for art's sake, because utility takes away its beauty. The Icon of Irish Literature, Oscar Wilde, in response to a letter from his fan who asked him to explain the sentence "All art is quite useless" that the author included in the preface to his best known novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", replied :

 Art is useless because its aim is simply to create a mood. It is not meant to instruct, or to influence action in any way. It is superbly sterile, and the note of its pleasure is sterility. If the contemplation of a work of art is followed by activity of any kind, the work is either of a very second-rate order, or the spectator has failed to realise the complete artistic impression.

 But we are not here to consider the meaning of art, to conduct discourses at the academic level, to discuss literary periods and to study every book in detail. The aim of this blog is to promote books that I subjectively feel are valuable, that have built my sensitivity, allowed me to understand many things, or with which I just had a nice time. I will dedicate each post to a specific book and will try to encourage you to read it. I will explain it's characteristics, including the time in which it was written, the author's writing style, the outline of the plot (but without spoilers) and the arguments why in my opinion this book is worth your time.

Thank you for your attention and I hope that my blog will be of any value and help.

Best regards.


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